The Acumen - May 2024

In the Design Lab, Multimedia and Graphic Design students create marketing materials for local businesses and organizations that need graphic design services but can’t afford the steadily increasing rate of a professional graphic designer or marketing agency. Last year, the program produced 18 free designs for local clients. Across campus at the Salon, Pickens students offer affordable salon services to real customers. Classic facials, chemical peels, waxing, hair cuts and washes, full nail sets, and beard trimming from aspiring professionals are all offered at a fraction of the usual retail price. Community involvement is always emphasized in PTC’s programs, and the examples are abundant. The Culinary Arts program caters to community events, Environmental Horticulture puts on multiple plant sales throughout the year that are open to the public, and the Small Business Management program completes tax returns for local clients. Pickens Technical College also partners with several reputable CTSOs like DECA, HOSA, and SkillsUSA - all of which are vocational organizations for students in CTE pathways who want to further their knowledge through contextual instruction, personal development, and real-world application. CTOs are another powerful tool we have to encourage workforce development and continued economic viability. Debt-Free Education Speaking of economic viability, it is important to highlight PTC’s focus on tuition assistance and making sure that students have a secondary education option that will leave them debt-free. This includes offering nine tuition-free programs that are currently available for enrollment through Career Advance Colorado. Gen Z largely plans to avoid student loans entirely, and they’ll do this by using more cost- effective pathways to higher education, just like the ones Pickens offers. Even compared to the

Millennial generation, the data suggests that Gen Z is more realistic about the necessity of student loans and, more broadly, traditional college as a concept. Affordable education is not only essential for ensuring accessibility, it is a key to economic growth and development. Career education can help individuals develop workable skills that are needed to create revenue and drive the economy. Pickens not only makes higher education more attainable for those with fewer resources at their disposal but also does its part in supporting the stability of the community it serves. Career Placement Support As we all know, having the skills required to perform at a job isn’t the only deciding factor - although lots of the time, it’s the only one that gets talked about. PTC’s team of career advisors offers a variety of support in soft skills like resume building, interviewing, and networking that can elevate a student’s employability. If one stereotype about trade schools and career education holds some validity, it’s that the

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17 The Acumen

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